- Правителството одобри годишните разчети на сметката за средствата от ЕС на Държавен фонд „Земеделие” за 2024 г.
- Класиране на предложения за изпълнение на инвестиции от крайни получатели № BG-RRP-3.008 „Подкрепа за прехода към кръгова икономика в предприятията“
- Bulgarian and foreign investors will be able to receive state financial assistance for priority projects
- The first call for project proposals under the INTERREG VI-A Greece-Bulgaria 2021-2027 program has been launched
- Attractions, museums, and eco-routes built with European funding are attracting visitors to border towns.
- Bulgarian companies and scientists will create space technologies and solutions
- New investment of over BGN 80 million – 40 million EURO in high-tech production of robotic surgery equipment
- Near 225 million eur will be invested in Bulgarian small and medium-sized companies in the coming months
- SCEB launches International Business Platform dedicated to members
- Investments of nearly BGN 150 million have been launched, which will create over 500 new jobs.
- Bulgaria has the potential to expand its vegetable protein production
- WELCOME TO IEF 2021, July 30 & 31!
- A German company invests 140 million euro in a state-of-the-art electric car plant in Bulgaria!
- In the period 8-9 July 2021 in Sofia will be held a Business Forum within the household of Bulgaria of the Initiative “Three Seas”
- EUR 474.3 million is foreseen in the INTERREG EUROPE Interregional Cooperation Program 2021-2027.
- Admissions under 8 more measures and sub-measures of the RDP will start in 2021.
- Bulgaria receives an additional 2m euros to fund cross-border co-operation programs in the period 2021-2027.
- A budget of 28.4m euros is expected for joint projects with the Republic of Northern Macedonia in the period 2021-2027.
- EUR 458 million of the RDP will be directed to investment measures, young and small farmers
- EEA Norway Grants opens Two new Calls for Proposals in Welfare Technology for Bulgaria.
- SCEB Online Business Meeting – US – EU Commercial Trade
- Bulgaria is a promising destination for close planning, aimed at relocating business for companies seeking to shorten supply chains
- Video conference Bulgaria as a new top “nearshoring” destination
- BGN 29 million allocated for joint projects for indirect business support in the border municipalities of Greece and Bulgaria
- Ministry of Economy signed six investment certificates with a total value of over BGN 110 million.
- Bulgaria with access to financial resources under a new European program
- Creating a digital export hub to help Bulgarian exports
- Video conference Bulgaria as a new “nearshoring” destination
- Bulgaria is building industrial zones with EU funds from the new regional development program
- Conference “Bulgaria – the new top nearshoring destination”
- Security and safety in cross-border areas are the focus of new joint programs with Turkey and the Republic of Northern Macedonia
- Pre-investment study for the railway line Sofia-Kulata-Promahon-Thessaloniki will be a strategic project in the new program for cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Greece
- Over BGN 250 million, part of the anti-crisis package of the Ministry of Economy, have already reached Bulgarian companies and citizens
- Supporting small and medium-sized businesses is a priority of the new program for cross-border cooperation between Bulgaria and Turkey
- For the first time in Bulgaria we have a mapping of the Bulgarian industry!
- We are building a bike lane along the Danube along with Romania
- Payments under the signed grant agreements for the seventeenth and eighteenth evaluation sessions under the procedure Support of micro and small enterprises for overcoming the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have been ordered.
- 820 new project proposals have been approved for funding under the fifteenth evaluation session of procedure BG16RFOP002-2.073 “Support to micro and small enterprises to overcome the economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic”
- Extra cash for COVID-19 measures in Bulgaria
- Making health sectors more resilient through more effective investment: joint project of Bulgaria, Croatia and Slovenia for a health infrastructure mapping methodology
- Over EUR 2 million to be allotted in support of Bulgarian fruit and vegetable producers
- Covid-19: Bulgaria redirects 400 million leva in EU funds to fight economic slowdown
- Start 2020 the right way – tailor your personal brand